
I live in a judging family. I was treated like a child, forever. A child must be obedient and never question the parents, for they are the higher authority. I was treated with no respect. A child, for them is only a slave who has to agree with any decision, who is freely blamed on.

A closed-minded, convensioal family.

How could they expect me to be loving, kind, full of respect towards others if I grew up not knowing how to? Not shown how to? They rage when I speak to them with an angry tone, but that is what they act towards me too. Is it fair? No, life is never fair. They are the parents, you know? They are always right. And defensive. And what they expect me to be? Hah.

Or perhaps if I shift my point of view a tiny bit, I see myself as a failed experiment. I screw up a lot. Life has its domino's effect and I always be the one who tripped over and push everyone down. It always happens.

And when will I die? I hope soon. Cause when I die I can assure you, they are free of one big heavy burden in their lives.

And everyone lives happily ever after.

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